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Submitted by cademo_admin on June 3, 2023

In order to make timely and informed interventions towards Universal Access the Authority undertakes studies and research on a continuous basis.  Among the studies undertaken and currently underway are:

(a) Internet Market Study

The Internet Market Analysis study was undertaken in recognition of the increasing importance of  Internet to socio-economic development.   The study, whose focus was the Internet supply side, was therefore undertaken to create baseline information on the internet market in Kenya, identify internet penetration and factors attributed to it as well as provide appropriate policy and regulatory recommendations towards increasing the growth of this sub-sector.   The findings of this study are available at:

    Final Internet market analysis report


(b) National ICT Survey

In collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the Authority undertook a  comprehensive national survey on ICT access and usage. Findings of the study shall inform formulation of progressive policy guidelines, access programmes, projects and strategies.

The main objective of the study was to collect, collate and analyse data relating to ICT access and usage by various groups in Kenya from both primary and secondary sources. The survey captured data and information on critical internationally recognized ICT indicators. The ICT indicators focused on household, individuals, institutions and businesses; and the data was disaggregated by age, gender, youth, administrative regions, rural and urban locations. The study forms the basis of a detailed ICT access and usage database that shall be updated on an annual basis.

The findings of the National ICT Survey are available at:

  National ICT Survey

(c) Access Gaps Study

To address the challenges of low penetration of ICT services among the population, the Government, through the Kenya Information and Communications (Amendment) Act, 2013, created the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Fund is expected to leverage operations in high cost areas, support innovations in the sector and enhance ICT capacity in the country.

In order to lay down a strong and empirical foundation for the Fund, the Authority commissioned an Access Gaps study. The main objective of this study was to develop the most appropriate framework, based on international best practice that ensures provision of affordable ICT services i.e. telephony, Internet, postal services and broadband to all parts of the country including rural and high cost areas. This framework shall complement and not substitute the effective operation of market forces. Specific objectives of the study include:

  • A review and assessment of the current and planned universal access programs by the Government, operators and other stakeholders in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) sector in terms of their impact, satisfaction of demand for services and the costs and sustainability of the related investment.
  • An analysis of the demand and supply for ICT services including telephony, Internet, postal and courier services and broadband in un-served areas, with specific emphasis on services that are in greatest demand in the respective areas.
  • An evaluation of international best practices of universal access programs focusing on those which are most applicable to the Kenyan environment.
  • The development of a financial model to estimate subsidies for identified Universal Access areas and programs with the aim of achieving the highest impact at the optimal cost/benefit ratios.