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Open Consultations

Communications Authority of Kenya

Open Consultations

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), the regulatory agency for the ICT industry in Kenya, is responsible for the regulation of telecommunications, e-commerce, cyber security, broadcasting, and postal/ courier services. The Authority also manages the country’s numbering and frequency spectrum resources, administers the Universal Service Fund (USF), and safeguards the interests of consumers of ICT services. In accordance with Section 24(1) of the Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998, the Authority licenses entities within the sector.

The Authority currently operates a technology and service-neutral telecommunications market structure, commonly referred to as the Unified Licensing Framework (ULF), which was last amended in 2014.

The Authority now seeks to undertake a review of the ULF framework with the following objectives:

  • To address and remove certain market entry and operational barriers identified over time;
  • To provide greater clarity on the scope of the various Licenses;
  • To propose new licensing areas in line with the current ICT sector policy;
  • To offer an opportunity for stakeholders and members of the public to submit proposals for the improvement of the framework, in furtherance of the Authority’s goal to maintain an enabling regulatory environment for the sector.

Stakeholders and members of the public are therefore hereby invited to review the proposals and submit their feedback on or before January 23rd, 2025. Submissions should be made via the email address:  or the addresses provided below.

The public consultation document as well as the submission format are available on the Authority’s website via the following link:

David Mugonyi, EBS

Director General/CEO

Communications Authority of Kenya

P.O. Box 14448

Nairobi 00800.



Download: Public Consulation Document on Review of the Telecommunications Market Structure in Kenya

Download: Format for Submission of Comments

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is the regulatory agency for the ICT industry in Kenya with responsibilities in telecommunications, e- commerce, broadcasting and postal/courier services. CA is also responsible for managing the country’s numbering and frequency spectrum resources as well as safeguarding the interests of users of ICT services.

The Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998 (as amended) mandates the Authority to licence and regulate broadcasting services in Kenya. In furtherance of the responsibility of promoting and facilitating the development of a diverse range of broadcasting services in Kenya in keeping with the public interest as provided for under Section 46A (a) of the Act, the Authority has proposed an updated minimum technical specifications and requirements for the second generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) receivers.

The proposed update will ensure that only those digital receivers that comply with the current technical standards will be approved for use in Kenya. Kenya adopted the DVB-T2 standard for terrestrial digital television broadcasting in readiness for the digital migration that was implemented in 2015 in accordance with the international deadline for analogue switch-off. During the same period, the Authority issued minimum technical requirements for DVB-T2 Digital Set top Boxes(STB) and for Integrated Digital Television (iDTV) in order to facilitate availability of digital receivers locally for receiption of digital terrestrial television transmissions.

The DVB-T2 technical specifications and requirements are therefore being reviewed in order to incorporate the technical enhancements that have since been introduced in terrestrial digital television broadcasting space. Upon implementation of the proposed upgrade of receiver specifications, television viewers will be able to enjoy new features that have since been made possible through the technological advancements on digital terrestrial platforms. The objective of this current consultation on updated minimum technical specifications and requirements of DVB-T2 receivers is to allow stakeholders and the public provide feedback and suggestions on improvement of the proposed upgraded specifications and requirements for digital receivers.

The proposed updated minimum technical specifications and requirements for DVB-T2 receivers are available on the Authority’s website at

Stakeholders, including members of the public, agencies dealing with media and broadcast issues, equipment vendors, licensees and incorporated bodies are invited to review and submit their specific inputs and views on the proposed updated minimum technical specifications and requirements for DVB-T2 receivers.

Written comments on specific proposed updated technical specifications and any other requirements shall be sent to the address indicated below or via email address  on or before the close of day on 15th January 2025.

The template for providing comments is downloadable below.

The Director General

Communications Authority of Kenya

CA Center Waiyaki Way P.O. Box 14448


Website: Tel: +254 204242000

Mobile: +254 703042000

Download: Consultation Document on Minimum Technical Specifications and Requirements for DVB-T2 Reciviers

Download: Response Submission Form


The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is the regulatory agency for the ICT sector in Kenya with responsibilities in telecommunications, e-commerce, broadcasting and postal/courier services. CA is also responsible for managing the Universal Service Fund and the country’s numbering and frequency spectrum resources. Further, CA is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the interests of users of ICT services.

In line with the afore-cited mandate, the Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998, requires CA to licence and regulate broadcasting services in Kenya. In this regard, the CA has developed Digital Sound Broadcasting licence templates for the DSB infrastructure and services in readiness for the implementation of the DSB licensing framework in the 2025/26 financial year.

The DSB licence framework, which CA developed in the 2023/24 financial year, is meant to guide the introduction of digital radio broadcasting services in Kenya.The framework also outlines the procedure and license categories for DSB infrastructure and services.

In compliance with Constitution of Kenya, 2010, CA wishes to subject the DSB licence templates to public participation in order to provide stakeholders and the public with an opportuntity to submit feedback and input on the draft licences.

The proposed DSB Licence templates are available on our corporate website at:

Interested parties, including members of the public, agencies dealing with media, licensees and incorporated bodies, are hereby invited to submit their input and views on the proposed DSB Licence templates through the contacts provided herebelow or on email via  so as to reach CA on or before January 17th , 2025

The Director General

Communications Authority of Kenya

P.O. Box 14448 Nairobi-00800


Tel: +254 204242000

Mobile: +254 703042000

Download: Draft Digital Sound Broadcasting License Consultation Document

Download: Commercial Digital Sound Broadcasting License Template

Download: Common Carrier Broadcast Signal Distribution Digital TV and Sound Licence Template

Download: Common Carrier Broadcast Signal Distribution for Digital Sound Broadcasting & TV Licence Template

Download: Community Digital Sound Broadcasting Licence Template

Download: Digital Sound Broadcast Signal Distribution Licence (Regional or Local) Template

Download: Digital Sound Broadcasting Signal Distribution Licence (National) Template

Download: Local and Regional Broadcast Signal Distribution Licence Template

Download: National Digital Sound Broadcasting Signal Distribution Services Licence Template

Download: Public Commercial Digital Sound Broadcasting Licence Template

Download: Public Digital Sound Broadcasting Service Licence Template

Download: Response Submission Form